Rotary Project
Here’s How to Join

What is Operation Pollination?
The project is achieved by recruiting a diverse array of partners to engage in pollinator habitat restoration or education activities by signing a simple POLLINATOR PLEDGE form.
Our Purpose
Operation Pollination recognizes the importance of pollinator habitat both restored and maintained on public and private lands. Through collaboration and outreach, an interconnected mosaic of pollinator habitat interspersed between public and private land will be developed to stabilize and/or increase populations of pollinator species throughout your project area.
In June of 2020 the Rotary International Board of Directors and the The Rotary Foundation Trustees added “supporting the environment” as the 7th Area of Focus. The Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) provided both the documentation and the leadership in this effort, and is a partner in Operation Pollination, embracing the effort as an ESRAG Project.
just THREE
Easy Steps to
Get Involved!

Develop Your Own Pollinator Resolution

Enlist Partners to Sign a Pollinator Pledge

Put partner names on the back of your Resolution

Why get involved?
How can you get involved?

Need a Project?
Meet the Pollinators

Why are pollinators important?
Do you like to eat?
One out of every three bites of food you eat exists because of the efforts of pollinators, including many fruits, vegetables, and seeds. Pollinators not only are necessary for our own food, but support the food and habitat of animals.
Do you like clean air?
Healthy ecosystems depend on pollinators. About 90 percent of all the flowering plants on earth are pollinated by insects and animals! — plants which help stabilize our soils, clean our air, supply oxygen, and support wildlife.
Do you want a healthy economy?
In the United States alone, pollination by honey bees contributed to over $19 billion of crop production in 2010, while pollination by other insect pollinators contributed to nearly $10 billion of crop production.